"Happy Full Moon Day."




           HUD-DRIVEN- 10 Lacey Textures,
4 Materials/Shine Control- Off, Low, Medium, High.
[Can be enabled, disabled or make it Low, Medium, High]
Maitreya- Lara
Legacy- Regular,
Ebody- Reborn, Curvy,
Erika Mesh Body,
Kupra- Original,
Belleza- Freya, Gen X Curvy & Classic,
Slinik- HourGlass,
Star Mesh Body.
           Product -!MB! NENA- LACEY TUBE TOP.
        In world store - ॐ !Meera Bazaar!ॐ

       Market place- ॐ !Meera Bazaar!ॐ MP

Facebook - ॐ Meera's FB ॐ

Flickr - ॐ Meera's Flickr ॐ

Body- Reborn, 

     Head- Lelutka- Avalon,

Arm Bands- MAZE- softarms,

Necklace- Goddess's Necklace,

Choker- Choker Goddess,

Piercings- LF-little fish,Ysoral, Rawr, Amala,

Rings- [Yummy],

Forehead Bindi- Punch, Pout,

Eyes- Avi-Glam- Mellow eyes- 08,

  Hair- Doux- Bun, Stealthic- Verge [Headpart],

Skin- Galm Affair- Proud, Velour,

Lipstick- Pout,

Tattoo- Carol G- Season Full Tattoo,

Shorts- BA Store- Frankie outfit panties,

 Pose  - RVN- Mika AO,

  Location -  ॐ !Meera Bazaar!ॐ.


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