"Simple is beautiful."




      Product -  !MB! DEKA- TUBE DRESS. 

   Comes with a HUD, for 8 PLAIN textures & 8 PATTERNS.
Show/hide- Can show hide top/lower top/bottom and wear it in different styles. (top only, skirt only)

Compatibility-      Maitreya - Lara, Petite,
               Belleza- Freya,
   Product -  !MB! DEKA- TUBE DRESS.
        In world store - ॐ !Meera Bazaar!ॐ

       Market place- ॐ !Meera Bazaar!ॐ MP

Facebook - ॐ Meera's FB ॐ

Flickr - ॐ Meera's Flickr ॐ

Body- Maitreya Lara, 

Head- Lelutka- Lilly,    

Piercings- Amala, Punch, 

  Hair- Stealthic- Paradox,

Ears- Swallow- punk ears,

  Wrist Band- Fapple- TLC Leash Holder,

Necklace- Envy - Lynn Choker - Fatpack,

Tattoo- [WitchCraft] Tiana Tattoo,

 Arm Bands- AMD, Leafy Arm bands,

Pose  - by me using Animare HUD.

Location -  ॐ !Meera Bazaar!ॐ



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