My first blog.

Hello Friends,
Here I am creating my first blog and I am very new to this, Hope all of you enjoy and support me and my blog.
Luv and Grace
This is an image from a virutal world called second life. I will be posting pictures from my SL world only and along with that mentioning details about the location, pose , clothes , hair and all the accessories I will be wearing.
Above pic includes

Pose- RACK Poses - I'm waiting
Handcuffs- Included with the pose
Outfit - Scandalize- Scandalize.Noooo. Red-MAITREYA
Body - Maitreya Lara Body
Head- Catwa Lee head
Shoes- Bax Prestige
Pantyhose/stockings- -VD- Pantyhose Mesh
Tattoo- Letis Tattoo
Location- SkyDome Backdrops

Thank You
Luv & Grace


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