"All that glitters is not gold."

!MB! ॐ !MEERA BAZAAR!ॐ (New Location) Exclusive for - WIP EVENT (2nd- 22nd May 2021) "Product - !MB! MEERA- TIA MINI SUN DRESS (LATEX & PLAIN.) Comes with a HUD, for 15 x 15 Latex textures & 14 x 14 Plain textures. 6 presets for each. Top and bottom colors can be changed. opacity controller included on the HUD, Can control dress opacity from 0 to 100% Also can hide the top and frills and can wear it as high waist skirt. Compatability- Maitreya- Lara & Petite, Legacy, Belleza- Freya, Slink- Hour-Glass, Altamura Product Link WIP LM- !MB! MEERA- TIA MINI SUN DRESS (LATEX ...